High Healthcare Costs May Have Saved Me

High Healthcare Costs May Have Saved Me

Like many Americans, I also feel we need some medical reform. It does not seem fair that healthcare, our basic life foundation, comprises astronomical prices, subpar care, and unreliable coverage. However, as someone who tries to find the silver lining in every situation, I feel that high healthcare costs may have been advantageous. Perhaps the dysfunction of the healthcare system saved me rather than hindered my ability to heal.

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4 Ways to Love Your Guts: Ferments & Cultured Dairy

4 Ways to Love Your Guts: Ferments & Cultured Dairy

When you think about healing the gut, there are really two main areas of focus: healing and sealing the gut lining and repopulating the gut with beneficial bacteria. One of the best ways to heal and seal the gut lining is with bone broth, which we discussed the last couple of weeks in my post about how to make broth as well as my post on various soups to make with broth. In order to repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria, you want to think about probiotics. Probiotics are bacteria that line your gut and support your body’s ability to fight infections and absorb nutrients.

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4 Ways To Love Your Guts: Bone Broth

4 Ways To Love Your Guts: Bone Broth

I truly believe bone broth is the most nourishing and healing resource for your body. Bone broth is rich in gut healing nutrients like L-glutamine and collagen, which is important since nearly 80% of the immune system is located in the gut. I have written a blog post about the 3 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking Bone Broth for more details on the many health benefits.

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Healing is a Practice

Healing is a Practice

If you’ve ever struggled with anything in life, from illnesses to stress, I’m sure you’ve heard people say, “Just give it time, it’s a process.” While that is true, I have also come to the conclusion it is more fitting for healing to be a practice rather than a process.

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