Decrease bloating and support your gut!

Fairy Gutmother's 3-Day Gut Reset E-Book is a FREE gut health program specifically designed to help alleviate bloating and digestive discomfort. By consuming foods that are easier to digest and support a healthy gut lining, the program helps restore the microbiome in just three days.

During this time, you will follow a diet consisting mainly of soups, bone broths, and cooked vegetables with your choice of protein. The program is customizable and can be adapted for a plant-based diet.


What’s included in the FREE 3-Day Gut Reset E-Book:

  • Get a brief introduction about gut health and how you can improve it!

  • Learn why you might want to consider the 3-day gut reset program.

  • View a recommended simple daily diet designed by Carley Smith, the Fairy Gutmother, a Nutritional Therapist (NTP), and Certified Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Practitioner.

  • PLUS, you’ll get a few delicious and easy recipes to help you get started.


Reasons to try the 3-Day Gut Reset:

Digestive troubles: The 3-Day Gut Reset helps ease bloating and digestive discomfort by incorporating foods that are much easier to digest, like blended soups, and healing the gut. Plus, this reset includes optional recommended supplements to help break down foods so they’re more easily absorbed, also helping to reduce digestive distress.

Gut cleanse: Sometimes, the best cleanse is supporting the gut, the body’s natural elimination and detox pathway. With this reset, you’re helping support your body’s detoxification pathways and naturally cleanse the system.

Post-travel: The 3-Day Gut Reset is perfect for after travel or even after the holidays because it helps get things back on track when you’re off your normal diet and routine.

Immune boost: Nearly the entire immune system is located in the gut so what better way to help boost the immune system by sending a little love to the digestive tract.

Intro to heal the gut: If you’re thinking of implementing a more restrictive gut healing protocol, starting here is always a great place as you include foods that are more supportive of the gut and will get the body familiar with more gut healing nutrients like broths and digestive enzymes for additional support, two things that might be recommended in a gut healing protocol.

Eat clean: Now and then, it helps to dedicate some time to simply eating clean. Cutting out the junk, incorporating more nutrient-dense, nourishing foods.

Complete the form to download the Gut Reset!