3 Simple Ways to Start Implementing the GAPS Diet Now: Part 3

Welcome back to my series on Ways to Start Implementing the GAPS Diet now. In case you missed it, so far we’ve discussed Bone Broth and Ferments to incorporate into your daily routine to begin repairing the gut and healing the body.  My third recommendation on ways to start implementing the GAPS Diet would be making your own yogurt or kefir.


The GAPS Diet is introduced in stages in order to ensure proper healing of the gut. Dairy can often be one of the biggest food sensitivities but as the digestive system heals, many people are able to digest milk proteins without sensitivity. The GAPS Diet recommends starting off slowly incorporating yogurt to test for sensitivity. If the gut is compromised, there may be sensitivity and therefore, going through the GAPS Introduction diet may be helpful. However, the fermentation process makes milk much easier on the gut to handle and can often be tolerated in those with sensitivities.

If your body can tolerate dairy, I think adding homemade yogurt and kefir is an excellent way to replenish the gut with beneficial bacteria. Homemade yogurt is full of probiotics, often times more probiotics than store-bought yogurt due to the fact that homemade yogurt ferments longer than most yogurts sold at your local grocery store. Kefir is similar to yogurt but also contains beneficial yeasts and can be very helpful for those suffering from yeast overgrowth. Dr. Natasha, founder of the GAPS Diet, stated that, “In order to get rid of the “bad” yeast, we need to replace it with the “good” yeast.”  Fermenting dairy produces lactic acid which is incredibly healing to the gut and can help with those who are prone to diarrhea. Lactic acid in particular is very soothing to the gut lining and can also help slow down food transit through the intestines and bowel. Homemade yogurt is also high in B vitamins, biotin, Vitamin K2 and other active enzymes.

It is crucial to note that when making your own yogurt or kefir to use a good quality, well sourced dairy, either raw milk from a reputable, trustworthy supplier or organic milk preferably from grass-fed cows. You can also experiment in making yogurt with other milk sources like goat, which can also be easier to digest for those with dairy sensitivities.

Check out my Homemade Yogurt Recipe on my blog to get started, it is super easy and I promise you will absolutely love it! I use my homemade yogurt in various recipes like on top of this delicious Butternut Squash Soup. Or for a great meal prep idea, throw some frozen fruit at the bottom of a mason jar at night and top with yogurt. In the morning, you will have a quick and easy parfait ready to go! Just top with your favorite granola, honey, or coconut flakes for a great way to start the day!

Tell me, have you tried making your own yogurt? If so, comment below and let me know how it turned out!