Moab, UT Retreat Recap


In early February, I teamed up with my friend Dr. Nick Sechrist of Elevation Now chiropractic center and founder of the Elevation Principle to lead a weekend packed with self empowerment and self care. The retreat was situated in the beautiful La Sal mountains in Moab, Utah, a quiet and serene environment perfect for healing! 


The retreat started out with an evening yoga practice that helped set the tone for the course of the retreat. We worked on a few breathing exercises and gentle movements ending class with a guided body scan that allowed everyone to become fully present and aware in their body.

The first evening I made my nourishing Chicken Noodle Soup with Oven Roasted Chicken and a homemade Bone Broth from the chicken carcass. I served this alongside some mixed greens and discussed the significance of the ingredients used in the meal and how they all supported gut health. 


That evening, Dr. Nick discussed how to set a course and stick to it by learning how to get outside our comfort zone in order to make sustainable changes in our life. I passed around a few tasty reinforcements during the talk, my very favorite cookies from Cappello's made with all natural, healthy ingredients...these definitely did not last long :) 

The next morning I showed everyone how to make a super easy breakfast skillet that is great for any meal of the day. I happen to love making these for meal prep for breakfast and then serving some on top  of mixed greens for lunch. I also discussed the importance of the ingredients like how the veggies were sauted in grass-fed ghee which helps stabilize our energy levels as well as is an excellent source of vitamin A. I also seasoned everything with a good quality sea salt which helps provide our body with minerals that are also essential for proper hydration. We then discussed my 70/30 Plan, my simple way of transitioning towards eating healthier by learning how to meal prep as well as include foods that helps support gut health. 

Dr. Nick complimented the nutrition talks with his motivational and inspirational workshop where attendees were encouraged to create a vision board based on obtainable goals for the future. We all had a great time sharing our ideas and visions and all left feeling empowered to make some of these changes in our everyday life. 


The weather shifted gears and a snow storm moved through which was perfect timing as I prepared one of my favorite blended soups and salad for lunch. I showed the attendees how easy it was to prepare nutrient dense meals that are excellent for meal prep while also supporting gut health. The meals I prepared were all part of my 70/30 Plan and can be found on my 70/30 Plan Recipes page


Throughout the course of the remainder of the retreat, I continued to share information around health and wellness while cooking nourishing meals while Dr. Nick offered some chiropractic adjustments. All in all, it was a fabulous retreat as everyone left with the knowledge and tools necessary to help heal themselves! Check out my highlighted Instagram stories titled "Retreat" on my Instagram page here for a more in-depth look at the retreat. Hope to see you at my next retreat! XO