Turkey Bone Broth 

This is one of my favorite recipes, especially for holiday leftovers because you most likely already have the ingredients on hand. Plus, anytime you can use as many parts of the animal in as many different ways as possible, I am all for it! Turkey broth is incredibly nourishing and soothing and is my absolute favorite broth to make. This recipe is versatile, so feel free to use whatever veggies or left over herbs you have on hand. This recipe also works great with oven roasted chicken carcass as well! I love this served with a slice of citrus fruit like orange or lemon. Enjoy! 

PS: Need help making bone broth? Make sure to check out my YouTube videos below. If you like the videos, don't forget to subscribe to my channel and give them a thumbs up! As always, you can leave questions in the comments below :) 

Bone Broth Cooking Demo Part 1: Here, I discuss the types of bones to use in a nourishing broth and the health benefits of each so that you can determine the right broth for you.

Bone Broth Cooking Demo Part 2: Discover how to make a nourishing and nutrient-dense bone broth with my simple 4-step process.


  • 1 Turkey Carcass

  • 6 Carrots, chopped

  • 4 Celery Stalks, chopped

  • 1 yellow onion, chopped, skins on

  • 6 Black Peppercorns

  • 3 Bay Leaves

  • 1tsp sea salt

  • Scoop of Ghee

  1. Add all ingredients to slow cooker and fill with filtered water about 2-inches from top.

  2. Set timer on low/simmer for 24 hours.

  3. Serve with citrus fruit slice like orange or lemon.