Shishito Peppers

These little guys are my absolute favorite snack simply because they are so easy to prepare and so fun to eat! You can add various seasonings and dips, throw them in soups, or simply prepare with a little olive oil and sea salt. They are generally medium in heat although occasionally you will find a few spicy ones here and there, which just makes eating them that much more exciting! With this recipe, I prepared them with goat's milk feta and dates touching on all of the flavors. If you are a fan of sweet and savory (like me!) then you will love these because it is the ultimate combination of sweet, salty, savory and a little spicy! Perfect dish for a mid-day snack or appetizer. 


  • 1 1/2C shishito peppers
  • 2TBS avocado oil
  • 1tsp sea salt
  • 1-2tsp Redmond Real Salt seasoning
  • 1/3C chopped dates
  • goat's milk feta for garnish
  1. Heat oil in cast iron skillet. When hot, add peppers and seasoning and combine until each pepper is well coated. 
  2.  Saute until slightly browned on the sides (about 2-4 minutes). 
  3. Remove from heat and transfer to serving dish. 
  4. Top with dates and feta and serve immediately!